WARNING: please ignore spam emails from "travellerpoint.org". We have confirmed multiple email scams targeting participants of Euroanalysis 2023.
The email asks to provide their arrival and departure dates for the conference and their credit card details. Please do not reply to the scam email and ignore it.
Scientific Program
Full abstract book: Abstract Book.
Scientific program: Euroanalysis Program.
Compact program: Euroanalysis Program at a Glance.
Details for your Oral Preparation: please prepare your talk to fit the dimensions 16:9.
Details for your Poster Preparation: your poster should be in A0 format (vertical display), with the dimensions 1189 (h) x 841 mm (w).
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | |||||
9:00 | Short Courses | 9:00 | Plenary | 9:00 | Plenary | 9:00 | Plenary | 9:00 | Plenary |
9:50 | Keynotes | 9:50 | Keynotes | 9:50 | Keynotes | 9:50 | Keynotes | ||
10:20 | Coffee | 10:20 | Coffee | 10:20 | Coffee | 10:20 | Coffee | ||
10:45 | Sessions | 10:45 | Sessions | 10:45 | Sessions | 10:45 | Sessions | ||
12:00 | Lunch | 12:00 | Lunch | 12:00 | Lunch | 12:00 | Lunch | 11:50 | Awards Lectures |
13:30 | Short Courses | 13:30 | Plenary | 13:30 | Plenary | 13:30 | Plenary | 12:50 | Closing Ceremony |
14:20 | Keynotes | 14:20 | Keynotes | 14:20 | Keynotes | 13:30 | Lunch | ||
14:50 | Sessions | 14:50 | Sessions | 14:50 | Sessions | ||||
16:30 | End Courses | 15:50 | Posters | 15:50 | Posters | 15:50 | Posters | ||
17:00 | Opening and Plenary | 17:00 | Sessions | 17:00 | Sessions | 17:00 | Sessions | ||
18:00 | Plenary | 18:00 | End Sessions | 18:00 | End Sessions | 18:00 | End Sessions | ||
19:00 | Reception | Evening | Activity | Evening | Activity | 19:30 | Gala Dinner |
Special and Joint Sessions
Euroanalysis XXI will hold joint sessions with other Divisions of the European Chemical Society. A joint program will be held of the Division of Chemisty and the Environment (DCE) and the Division of Analytical Chemistry (DAC), with Prof Esther Heath the keynote speaker representative for the DCE. Many invited speakers and short course instructors have an important interest in the analytical environmental sciences.
There will be a joint session with the Division of Food Chemistry at Euroanalysis XXI, with Prof. Doris Marko the keynote speaker representative.
Short Courses
Please consider attending one full day or two half day short courses on Sunday 27th of August. They are given by recognized experts in the field and form an integral part of the program of this conference.
You may find detailed descriptions for each course on a separate page. Please note that lunch will be included in the fee if you register for two half day courses or one full day course.
Scientific Topics
Analytical Life Science | Analytical Nanoscience | Analytical Science and Global Health | Analytical Science in Industry |
Analytical Science Education | Analytical Spectroscopy | Chemical Imaging and Chemical Microscopy | Chemical Sensors and Biosensors |
Chemometrics | Electroanalysis | Environmental Analytical Science | Field Deployable and Paper-Based Analytical Devices |
Fluorescent Probes and Protein Engineering | Food Science Analytics | Mass Spectrometry | Metabolomics and Proteomics |
Microfluidics and Flow Analysis | Optical Sensors | Process Analytical Chemistry | Sample Preparation |
Separation Science |