Short Courses
Full Day Courses | Instructors | Course Title |
F01 | J.-M. Roussel S. Rudaz |
From Method Validation to Method Performance Assessment: The Benefits of the Analytical Methods Life Cycle Concept |
F02 | F. Marini | Chemometrics |
Morning Half Day | ||
M01 | J.-L. Veuthey D. Guillarme |
Supercritical Fluid Chromatography |
M02 | E. Bakker E. Zdrachek |
Potentiometric Probes and Membrane Electrodes |
M03 | R. Zenobi | MALDI Mass Spectrometry |
M04 | C. Cao J. Bada Juarez |
Nanopore Technology for the Detection of Biopolymers |
Afternoon Half Day | ||
A01 | M.-L. Tercier-Waeber N. Layglon |
Voltammetric Sensing Devices for In Situ Trace Metal Monitoring in Aquatic Systems |
A03 | B. Hattendorf | Introduction to ICP-MS |
A04 | M. Marchetti-Deschmann | Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI) |
A05 | D. Citterio | (Microfluidic) Paper-Based Analytical Devices – (μ)PADs From Basics to Applications |
A07 | R. van Staden | Trends in Bioanalysis |
A08 | S. Miladinovic J. Simicevic |
Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Proteins: Fundamentals and Applications |
Short Courses will take place on Sunday 27th of August. Please click on the course number to view the course description as pdf file and indicate the course numbers when registering for the conference. You may also download all available course descriptions as a single pdf document.
Full day courses cost 200 CHF for delegates and 120 CHF for students, including lunch and coffee brakes. Half day courses (morning or afternoon) cost 130 CHF (delegates) and 80 CHF (students) and include one coffee break. Lunch is included if you book two half day courses or a full day course.