Travel Grants

Travel grants from member societies and DAC study groups have been available to support your attendance at Euroanalysis 2023. The call for applications has now closed.

GDCh Division of Analytical Chemistry

The German GDCh Division of Analytical Chemistry provides ten travel grants up to 350 Euro to international young scientists (MSc, PhD, Postdoc) with active participation (lecture/poster) at EuroAnalysis XXI in Geneva. Further information can be found on the GDCh website. Application deadline is June 30, 2023.

Sample Preparation Group

The EuChems-DAC Sample Preparation Study Group and Network has announced a call for eight (8) European PhD students actively engaged in sample preparation research to attend Euroanalysis 2023, please see the announcement link. Applications are now closed.

Swiss Chemical Society

The Division of Analytical Sciences of the Swiss Chemical Society will provide sixteeen (16) registration discounts of 250 CHF each for any attendees that would otherwise have difficulty coming to the conference. Please provide your submitted abstract, your CV and for students a supporting letter from your supervisor and explain your circumstances when contacting us at Applications are now closed.

Italian Chemical Society

If you are a member of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society, it offers two (2) travel grants at 500 euro each for participating at Euroanalysis 2023. Young researchers that can present their application must be younger than 35 years of age and have to have submitted their abstract before 30 April 2023. The application is now closed.

Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry

The Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry provides one travel grant up to 700 Euro for a European student or up to 1000 Euro for an overseas student.
This application is now closed.

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